🧔Top 6 Causes of Porn Addiction In Men

If you’ve been struggling with porn addiction for years, and are confused or overwhelmed with all of the different B.S suggestions out there, you’ve come to the right place.

Porn addiction affects MILLIONS of young (and middle-aged) men around the world. It cripples their quality of life, their self-esteem, and even destroys their relationships in some cases.

I myself have struggled with porn addiction in my younger years. I was massively addicted to porn from the young age of 11, all the way to my late teens and early 20s.

It was unbearable. I couldn’t focus on anything else. My self-esteem was crushed, I was riddled with guilt and shame, and worse, I had absolutely NO ONE to help me navigate through this. I had tried everything, NoFap (yes, the idea of NoFap is NOTHING new), semen retention, asking people I could relate to for help etc.

NO ONE was able to help me until I identified the ACTUAL root causes of porn addiction, and tackled them head on. It was such a liberating experience, as I was finally able to regain control of MY life, my confidence, and my self-worth. I just wish I knew the things I know now, back then.

Because you see, the fact of the matter is that 99% of the advice on how to quit Porn out there is GARBAGE. Complete trash. The mainstream advice fails to create meaningful changes because it is based on FAULTY premises to begin with. Yes, their sh*tty advice might give you a brief sense of relief or hope of success for the first few days, weeks, or even months, but eventually you WILL relapse and fall right back into the addiction, often times even harder than before.

Why? Because if you want to DESTROY porn addiction, you have to DIRECTLY address the ROOT causes, NOT the problem (porn) itself.

But what are the ACTUAL root causes of porn addiction? As usual, this is where I come in, since my job is to rank and SIMPLIFY things for you in the midst of all of the information overload that the average person is bombarded with daily.

Using my beloved Pareto principle combined with my YEARS of experience studying human evolution, endocrinology, neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and more, I analyzed ALL of the root causes of porn addiction, and narrowed them down to the most potent and relevant ones.

Without further delay, here are the top 6 causes of porn addiction in men:

🍆 Demonization of sex & male libido

🦍 High testosterone, DHT, & estrogen (actually a good thing)

🎯 No BIG mission or purpose in life

🏠 Home alone ALL day

🎮 Video game & social media addiction

🦁 Low masculine competence (low SSS score)

You see, porn addiction itself is not the problem. It never was. It was always and will always be a symptom of bigger underlying issues. Saying that porn addiction or even porn consumption is the problem is like saying “bleeding is the problem” if someone stabs you repeatedly all day long.

There is nothing wrong with bleeding (in fact you should be concerned if you don’t bleed after being stabbed); the problem is the m**fer who keeps stabbing you all day. Deal with him first, and the daily bleeding will eventually stop.

There is way too much to unpack here, so I will write follow up articles explaining how each of those 6 factors lead to porn addiction. Fix the root causes & underlying issues FIRST, & the symptom will vanish.

Talk to you soon.

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