💪6 Reasons You NEED High Volume To MAXIMIZE Muscle Growth

Most men are NOT training with enough volume and frequency to maximize muscle growth!!

When I was a beginner on my fitness journey, I ALSO fell for all the BS low volume, low frequency programs and mainstream advice perpetuated by the “experts” and the “Mike Mentzer” low volume crowd.

The result, I wasted my newbie gains and BARELY made any progress, until I finally started doing what works for the average guy with average/below average genetics, which is HIGH volume, HIGH frequency training.

Don’t get me wrong, training with low volume and low frequency will still build muscle, but NOT at the maximal rate. This means that it can take you up to twice, if not three times as long, to reach your goal physique.

That might not sound like a lot, but this is a difference of 1 year instead of 2-3 years, or 2 years instead of 4 to 6 years to reach the SAME goal.

Not sure about you, but even though muscle hypertrophy training is a marathon and not a sprint, I do NOT want to waste 3 years to reach a goal that I can attain in just 1 year.

And that’s what high volume, high frequency training (including Nucleus Overload®) has been found to promote in the scientific literature AND the real world: FASTER gains.

If you’re wondering why, here are 6 Reasons why you need high weekly volume in order to MAXIMIZE the rate of muscle growth:

🔬When muscle damage is low, Myofibrillar MPS almost perfectly predicts muscle growth

🏋️‍♂️You need at least 3-5 sets per session to maximize MPS

⌚MPS in trained lifters peaks in less than 12-24 hours MAX

🧬Myostatin inhibition from training peaks in less than 8-12 hours MAX

📆This means that you may need to train 3-7 times a week to MAXIMIZE MPS

😤This comes out to at least 9 to 35 sets a week to MAXIMIZE MPS

See, there is a BIG difference between INCREASING MPS and MAXIMIZING MPS.

A lot of the confusion in the fitness industry arises because people get their definitions all screwed up, and others love to create straw man arguments in order to defend their debunked points of view.

Increasing muscle protein synthesis is one thing, but maximizing it is another.

People with GREAT genetics, high Myonuclei, Satellite cell, and Androgen Receptor content, or on PEDs (yes, that includes TRT despite what douchebag sh*tfluencers tell you) can grow fine using LOWER volumes (9 to 22 sets per week).

But people with average (or below average) genetics, low Myonuclei, satellite cell, and Androgen Receptor content, natty, or old (with anabolic resistance), tend to benefit more from HIGHER volumes (22 to 35+ sets per week).

There are many reasons for this, which I will cover in future posts and videos, but this is mainly because volume (of mechanical tension) is one of the biggest drivers of anabolic signaling and ribosome genesis (upon stimulation of mTOR, p70s6K, and IGF-1 pathway.), which is mandatory for mRNA translation of hypertrophy related genes.

And people with anabolic resistance and “crappy” genetics need MORE volume to keep upregulating that pathway.

Mechanical tension is the stimulus, but volume is the DOSE, and just like with food, medicine, and many other things that are influenced by genetics, some people need bigger doses of a specific stimulus in order to reach the same results.

So stop with the Mike Mentzer and low volume B.S, and STOP getting your muscle building advice from genetic elites or people on steroids/TRT. You do NOT respond the same from training as they do.

Now if you are making progress in the gym and on your physique, then keep doing what you’re doing. But if your gains have come to a halt despite your nutrition and recovery management being on point, then consider increasing both your weekly volume and training frequency (assuming that you’re already training properly and taking each set to or close to failure).

🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇

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(check the PMIDs in the pics above)


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