😓Top 5 Ways To Lower Cortisol In Men

Stress is killing your gains, health, and testosterone levels RIGHT under your nose!!

Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s no coincidence that the period of my life where my Testosterone levels, performance, strength, and rate of muscle growth were the lowest, was also the time when I was the most stressed (due to work, family, school etc.)

High chronic (not acute) stress drastically elevates cortisol levels, which goes on to wreak havoc on your health, strength, muscle mass, insulin sensitivity, immune system, sex drive, recovery, energy levels, motivation, your hormonal balance, testosterone levels, and more.

So as you can see, keeping chronic stress and chronically elevated cortisol levels in check should be a top priority for every man who wants to stay in top shape or perform at his best.

You do not want cortisol at zero, since cortisol is obviously necessary for numerous life functions (inverted U-curve as usual), but the key is to keep it within a normal range during periods of high stress.

Unfortunately, the internet is full of “information overload” when it comes to stress reduction strategies, or ways to lower cortisol, which keeps the average joe in a perpetual state of confusion.

And of course, this creates an opportunity for shady and unethical supplement companies to bombard you with overpriced products that promise everything but provide nothing, since a confused customer is such an easy target.

Fortunately for you, and unfortunately for them, this is where I come in.

Using my vast knowledge and nearly 20 years of experience on the topic, I’ve compiled all of the most effective cortisol-reduction methods and used the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to narrow them down for you, in order to give you the BIGGEST return on investment/effort.

Here are the top 5 Ways To Lower Cortisol In Men 👇


🥩Micronutrient-rich diet



😆Comedy (laugh)

There are more tactics you can implement to reduce excess cortisol levels, but those five will give you the biggest return on investment.

And as you can clearly see, you do not need fancy supplements or complex methods to lower cortisol. The basics, as mentioned several times on my channel, will take you much further than 99% of the supplements and drugs out there.

So sleep more, eat a micronutrient dense diet, eat plenty of carbs (especially around training days), drink plenty of water, and surround yourself with people or material that makes you laugh.

I will share more tactics in the future, including popular supplements such as Ashwagandha, but for now, focus on these five.

🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇

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