🧠5 Reasons Testosterone Improves Mental Health

You don’t have to look far to realize that there is a MASSIVE mental health epidemic around us.

Millions of men everywhere are struggling with anxiety, depression, fear, and other mental disorders, and the trend doesn’t seem to slow down.

With their mental health in the gutter, men are having a harder time making social connections, approaching the opposite sex, making long lasting friendships, getting a job, starting their businesses, or in many cases even stepping foot outside.

This leads to most of them staying indoors all day, which if you watch my content regularly, should know that that is one of the WORST things you can do as an individual, let alone a man.

Their poor mental health keeps them indoors, which further deteriorates their mental health AND physical health (due to the increased sedentary lifestyle), putting them in a vicious loop that never seems to end.

As someone who’s battled with depression and mental health issues my entire life, especially in my childhood and late teens, I know the feeling way too well.

What’s worse, is that most of the mainstream solutions are pure trash. When you speak with a professional, it almost always comes down to them medicating you with endless drugs that more often than not come with side effects that leave you worse off than before.

They lace you with drugs or supplements that treat the symptoms but never deal with the actual root cause. But are we surprised? Most of these people only care about their pockets and profits, not your health, so the solutions they tend to gravitate to are the ones that make them a bigger profit, NOT the ones that are in your best long-term interest.

Now, I won’t generalize and claim that ALL medical practitioners are evil or out to get you; I’m sure there are many good professionals out there who genuinely care about their patients, and I highly suggest that you take THEIR advice if you’re lucky enough to know them (the good doctors). But what I will say is that you should always vet the people that look after you carefully to make sure that they have your best interests at heart.

Mental health is no joke, and I wish that everyone who reads this never finds themselves in the sh*t hole that is a life full of chronic depression, anxiety, or irrational fear.

The good news, as always, is that fixing your mental health is simpler than it seems. I cannot diagnose anyone legally, and I will not attempt to, but what I can assure you from my experience is that most people that have anxiety or mental health issues also have a broken diet, exercise, and sleep regimen, and it' is very hard if not impossible to fix your mental health if those lifestyle factors are not balanced.

This is because your hormones, especially Testosterone and its metabolites (Estrogens and DHT) play a massive role in modulating brain function and neurotransmitter balance. And as you should know by now, you cannot optimize testosterone and the rest of your hormones if your diet, exercise, and sleep are trash.

So if you’re struggling with mental health issues, especially anxiety or depression, I highly recommend that (after consulting with a professional) you look into your hormonal health, especially your androgen status and testosterone (and free testosterone) levels.

Here are 5 Reasons why Testosterone is so crucial for mental health:

😨Testosterone lowers anxiety (PMID: 24076484)

😢Testosterone lowers depression (PMID: 25741229)

😱Testosterone lowers fear (PMID: 16458259)

😩Testosterone lowers cortisol (PMID: 8774455)

😤Testosterone increases dopamine (PMID: 24618531)

You see, Testosterone is one of nature’s greatest antidepressant and anxiolytic molecules. It is the MVP of mental health in my opinion, especially if you’re a male.

Not only the research confirms this, but in all of my years of self-improvement coaching & consulting, I have NEVER met a person or client with low testosterone AND great mental health. Never.

So optimize your diet, sleep, training, and lifestyle to keep your testosterone & androgen status NATURALLY elevated, in addition to working with your licensed healthcare professional, and hopefully your mental health symptoms will vanish as a result.

🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇

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