👫5 Reasons Men Are STRONGER Than Women

No, men and women are NOT equal!

And no, this does NOT mean that men are better than women.

We live in a world where pointing out any biological difference between men and women automatically result in being called sexist, a misogynist, a bigot, or even transphobic.

State that women are better than men at “xyz”, and you get a round of applause.

But state that men are biologically better than women at “abc”, and out comes the pitch forks and straw man accusations.

Biology and science is slowly being pushed to the curb in favor of emotional gibberish and ideological nonsense.

As a lover of science, I despise the fact that I can’t even discuss BASIC biology or evolution anymore without it turning into a political debate.

Misinformation is spreading faster than cancerous tumors, and some of the most outrageous claims are now slowly being accepted as “facts”.

On the topic of male vs female differences, many even go as far as to claim that most of the physical differences between men and women are solely due to culture/nurture, and have no root in biology.

Obviously this is pure BS, and this is a topic that I’ll discuss in much greater detail in the future, but for now, let’s start with one of the most obvious physical differences between men and women — Strength.

Here are 5 Reasons Men are stronger than women:

📈Men have more total testosterone than women

📈Men have more Free Testosterone than women

📈Men have more Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) than women

📈Men have more Free DHT than women

📈Men have more Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) than women

🔎It blows my mind that this even has to be said, but during puberty, androgens play a massive role in transforming the bodies (and brains) of boys vs girls, with men ending up with up to 30-50 times more FREE testosterone than women.

This gives men a massive advantage in size & strength over women, on average, given EQUAL training.

👫Men and women are NOT equal. And again, this does NOT mean that one is more valuable than the other. It simply means that we evolved to serve two completely different biological functions that COMPLEMENT each other.

🧬Men’s bodies biologically evolved to specialize in combat and hunting, while women’s bodies evolved to specialize in child bearing & rearing.

The fact that such an obvious, provable physiological fact is seen as “contentious” nowadays just shows how much we regressed as a society.

We can respect both genders without completely dismissing basic biology.

I’ll make multiple follow up articles and videos on this topic, so stay tuned.

🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇

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