🦍Introverts Have Less Testosterone Than Extraverted Men?

Introverted men tend to have less testosterone than extraverted men, according to multiple studies (R)

This does NOT mean that Introverted men have LOW testosterone.

It also does not mean that ALL introverted men have lower testosterone than ALL extraverted men.

Also, contrary to popular belief, introversion does not mean “lack of social skills, doesn’t like to talk to people, anti-social etc.”.

Those are horrible misconceptions created due to associations.

Extraversion (also called Extroversion) simply means that a person is enthusiastic, assertive, and draws energy from the outside world.

It just so happens that if someone is more enthusiastic, more assertive, and draws energy from the outside world, then they will TEND to develop better social skills and talk to people more.

Yet, there are many people who are introverted AND have great social skills, or still enjoy social interactions. They just CHOOSE not to most of the time.

Also, personality is very complex, and involves the collaboration of many factors, including genetics (including androgen receptor polymorphisms), diet, lifestyle, stress, and other hormones. So it’s never as simple as ONE hormone and one hormone alone causing ONE trait.

Lastly, extraversion and introversion exist on a spectrum. It’s never 0 and 1, but rather someone LEANING towards one side more than the other. Someone who is extraverted still enjoys time alone and away from others, and someone who is introverted can still behave like an extravert in specific settings.

Now that the disclaimers and definitions are out of the way, let’s return to this finding.

The well known fact that extraverted men have more Testosterone than introverted men is not shocking, given testosterone’s effects on the brain.

Testosterone has many well documented effects on the Frontal Cortex, the amygdala (fear/aggression/sex center of the brain), and neural networks that influence the signaling of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, GABA, serotonin etc., and also because of Testosterone’s competition with cortisol (the principal stress hormone).

Evolutionary speaking, this also makes plenty of sense since Testosterone evolved to make men pursue sex, fight off rivals, and climb social hierarchies, which is very hard to do if one is too introverted (less assertive, less enthusiastic, less likely to draw energy from the outside world).

Keep in mind though that this relationship between Testosterone and Extraversion is bi-directional (works both ways). Testosterone directly and indirectly increases Extraversion, and being more extraverted also can increase testosterone indirectly.

Someone who is “naturally” extraverted can eventually become more introverted if their testosterone plummets and makes them more anxious, fearful, less confident, or depressed.

Also, someone who is introverted can also slowly become more extraverted “by accident”, if that person begins to engage in many testosterone-boosting activities, since the increase in testosterone overtime can chronically change their neurochemistry.

Overall, this is one of many studies and experiments that find both an association and causative link between testosterone, extraversion, and personality.

I will make more posts on this topic soon, and discuss the nuances and caveats that apply.



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Smeets-Janssen MM, Roelofs K, van Pelt J, Spinhoven P, Zitman FG, Penninx BW, Giltay EJ. Salivary Testosterone Is Consistently and Positively Associated with Extraversion: Results from The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Neuropsychobiology. 2015;71(2):76-84. doi: 10.1159/000369024. Epub 2015 Apr 9. PMID: 25871320.


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