🦍Sleep Duration And Testosterone: How long Should You Sleep To Boost Testosterone?

Most people don’t sleep enough for to maximize Testosterone production.

As a result, they are plagued with fatigue, low muscle mass, low libido, low motivation, difficulty with fat loss, loss of strength, and a host of other issues.

And trust me, I wish sleep was “optional” when it came to testosterone optimization, as I struggled with it myself.

Yet, out of the thousands of research papers I’ve read on Testosterone over the years, not a single one failed to show deleterious effects of crappy sleep on Testosterone and other health markers.

Once you fix your sleep, both in terms of quantity and quality, you will notice changes in our testosterone (and especially energy levels) almost instantly.

Which brings us to the question..

How much sleep do you need to maximize Testosterone production?

In a famous study comparing 2 groups of men, how much more Testosterone do you think the men who slept closer to 8 hours had, compared to those who slept closer to 5 hours?

Take a wild guess from one of these 4 options:

A) 10 times more testosterone

B) Equal testosterone

C) 50% more testosterone

D) 3 times more testosterone

The correct answer is D (roughly 3 times more testosterone).

In a study by Penev et Al (PMID: 17520786), men who slept closer to 8 hours had around 3-4 times more Testosterone than men who only slept close to 5 hours.

Most men know that sleep is CRUCIAL for Testosterone, but they don’t realize just HOW much. (PMID: 32257858)

The vast majority of your Testosterone (and Luteinizing Hormone aka LH) is produced while you SLEEP (during REM sleep), NOT while you’re awake (PMID: 10591612).

For maximum Testosterone, muscle growth, recovery, health, fat loss, and cognitive function, aim for at LEAST 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep per day, and never less than 7 as a rule of thumb.

Also, get screened for sleep apnea ASAP (and lose excess fat) if you struggle with sleep and/or low T (PMID: 35904664).

🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇

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📱Watch my Tier List video on how to sleep longer 👇


PMID: 17520786

PMID: 34801825

PMID: 34536053

PMID: 35904664

PMID: 36148025

PMID: 32257858

PMID: 33937581

PMID: 10591612


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