LOW Sleep KILLS Testosterone by 70%

Men who sleep poorly can have up to 70% less testosterone than normal men.

This can drastically reduce their energy levels, muscle mass, motivation, strength, sex drive, and ability to lose fat efficiently.

In a 2007 study by Penev et Al, men who slept for only 4.5 hours per night had an average testosterone of roughly 200-300 ng/dL.

Meanwhile, those who slept about 7.5 hours per night had an average total testosterone levels of around 500-700 ng/dL.

That is a MASSIVE difference. This means that the “normal sleep” group had almost FOUR times more Testosterone than the low sleep group.

What’s worse, the free testosterone levels of the low sleep group was ALSO negatively affected by the lack of sleep.

The primary reason for the lower total and free testosterone levels in the low sleep group is the fact that the vast majority of your testosterone production happens at night.

You see, for your body to produce testosterone, your hypothalamus (in the brain) must first release GNRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone), which must then travel to the pituitary gland to cause it to release LH (Luteinizing hormone).

LH then travels to your testicles, to “command” them to begin testosterone synthesis.

If you do not sleep enough, less GNRH (and subsequently less LH) is released, halting the rate of testosterone production.

You also have to account for the fact that insufficient sleep increases the stress hormone cortisol, which is a negative regulator of testosterone production.

To conclude, sleep is paramount for optimal testosterone synthesis and signaling. After fixing your micronutrient deficiencies FIRST, since those are by far the biggest causes of low testosterone, make it your next priority to get at LEAST 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Some require even more (men who train with high volume, high frequency, or are under a lot of physical or mental stress).

🛒If you want the BEST science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload eBook here.

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Penev PD. Association between sleep and morning testosterone levels in older men. Sleep. 2007 Apr;30(4):427-32. doi: 10.1093/sleep/30.4.427. PMID: 17520786.


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