🦍 Age Does NOT Lower Testosterone !!

🦍Age does NOT lower testosterone directly (Source PMID: 22563890 and more).


That is by far one of the biggest lies perpetuated by CLOWN fitness influencers on roids/TRT, and by the TRT industry, to convince you to rent your masculinity from a damn bottle.


Except at the extremes, age doesn’t lower Testosterone; it is the things that men do AND stop doing as they age, that lowers Testosterone.


The research on this is so vast, yet men ignore it because they want an excuse to inject Testosterone and blame external factors for their cowardice and lack of self-accountability.


Unless you’re in a life or death situation, dont rent your masculinity like a fraud.


Keep your honor. Stay natty.



📚Get the BEST Science-Based Testosterone Boosting step-by-step guide (40% off): Click here



🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

You will also get unlimited FREE updates to ANY future editions of the eBook as a courtesy for supporting the channel and movement. Buy it now 👇


Sartorius G, Spasevska S, Idan A, Turner L, Forbes E, Zamojska A, Allan CA, Ly LP, Conway AJ, McLachlan RI, Handelsman DJ. Serum testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol concentrations in older men self-reporting very good health: the healthy man study. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Nov;77(5):755-63. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04432.x. PMID: 22563890.


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