💪Testosterone Increases Follistatin (Myostatin Blocker)

The single most anabolic molecule in the entire body (for muscle growth) is Follistatin (Fst).

This has been confirmed by an exhaustive line of research.

This is because Follistatin, a protein naturally produced by the body, is the most potent blocker of Myostatin, Activin A, Activin 2B receptor signaling.

This then leads to several anabolic effects on muscle tissue, including an upregulation of IGF-1 and mTOR signaling.

For those who are new to all of this, Myostatin is simply a protein that your body produces, whose main action on the body is to severely restrict muscle growth.

Humans and animals who lack myostatin or have impaired myostatin signaling (due to gene mutations) have robust muscle growth even in the absence of training and mechanical tension.

Now I know what you’re already thinking.. What increases Follistatin?

Well, Testosterone.

In fact, one of the main pathways by which Testosterone increases muscle growth, is by upregulating Follistatin expression.

Interfere with that pathway, and testosterone’s effects on muscle growth are significantly reduced.

So again, for those who wonder why I emphasize that natural men keep their testosterone levels as high as contextually possible, now you see why. Almost every thing related to masculinity and maximizing male potential, eventually comes back to testosterone and the androgen receptor.

PS: myostatin deficient animals dont need high levels of testosterone, because they lack myostatin function altogether.



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🛒If you want the BEST No B.S, science-based, all-in-one training program, meal plan, testosterone guide, fat loss guide, and more, purchase my HSP Training Nucleus Overload® eBook here.

It combines the latest science and my roughly 20 years of experience in NATURAL Testosterone, Muscle, Self-Improvement, and Fat loss optimization to answer EVERY single critical question you may have about training, nutrition, fat loss, and testosterone boosting, using a SIMPLE, NO-BS approach, and at a HUGE discount (limited time -40% off if you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel).

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Braga M, Bhasin S, Jasuja R, Pervin S, Singh R. Testosterone inhibits transforming growth factor-β signaling during myogenic differentiation and proliferation of mouse satellite cells: potential role of follistatin in mediating testosterone action. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2012 Mar 5;350(1):39-52. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2011.11.019. Epub 2011 Nov 25. PMID: 22138414; PMCID: PMC3264813.


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