Bodyfat can DESTROY testosterone by -50%

Carrying too much bodyfat on you can destroy your total testosterone by a whopping -50%.

if you are struggling with low testosterone, or simply want to maximize testosterone production, one of the most important things you can do is simply LOSE excess body fat. The relationship with testosterone and caloric intake follows an inverted U-curve (like almost all things in life), meaning that too low calories can reduce testosterone production (by putting your body into “survival mode”), but so can TOO MANY calories. The reason is simple, consistently eating an excessive amount of calories (way past what is needed to build muscle and fuel your day) will inevitably lead to excess body fat, and excess body fat CRUSHES testosterone production.

In this study by Mogri et al. that looked at 2 groups of teenagers (a lean group versus an obese group), lean teens had a whopping 104% more testosterone than the obese group. You read that correctly. The fat teens, despite being in the phase of life where you should have the HIGHEST testosterone levels ever, had roughly -50% less testosterone than their lean counter parts. The total testosterone levels of the lean group was roughly 619 ng/dL, compared to only 303 ng/dL. This means that the obese teens were pretty much hypogonadal, and that despite being at the peak of puberty, had the total testosterone levels of a 85-100 year old man.

Body fat is one of the biggest enemies of natural testosterone production, and it can lower testosterone through at least 10 different direct and indirect mechanisms that I’ll cover in future articles and videos.

But in the meantime, if your goal is to maximize testosterone production, LOSE EXCESS BODY FAT at all costs.

Testosterone levels of lean vs obese teenagers

🦍Testosterone levels of lean vs obese teenagers, adapted from (Mogri 2013)

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